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NEMA Standard JM/JP Premium Efficiency Electric Motor

Frame: 143JM (JP) ~ 365JM (JP)
Rated power: 1~75HP
Rated voltage: 230/460V,460V or 575V
Rated frequency: 60Hz

Introduction: WhatsApp

NEMA JM/JP are single speed, totally enclosed, fan-cooled, continuous working duty, low voltage cage type three phase induction electric motors which comply with America NEMA MG1 standard and are designed for tight coupling pump. The motors have rigid installing frames and MENA JM/JP pump shafts. All series motors adopt casting iron frames, locked-bearing structure at driving end to limit shaft extension axial float. The efficiency meets America NEMA EPACT、NEMA PREMIUM standard, service factor is 1.25. The motor has passed America CC certification and Canada CSA certification.

NEMA Standard JM/JP Premium Efficiency Electric Motor Features

1 – 75 hp
Designed to meet mounting requirements of JM, JP and West Coast Fit
Motor flange and shaft designed to support pump unit
Oversized ball bearing with locked DE construction to minimize endplay
Dynamically balanced rotor to reduce noise and increase bearing life
Motor enclosures available in both enclosed and open
1.15 SF, Class F Insulation
Stainless Steel version: Class H insulation system
Corrosion resistant finish
1 Year warranty, NEMA Premium® Efficiency

NEMA Standard JM/JP Premium Efficiency Electric Motor Common applications

Residential and Industrial pumps
Transfer and circulating pumps
Fluid handling
Water treatment
Food Processing

NEMA Standard JM/JP Premium Efficiency Electric Motor Common industries

Pulp & Paper

NEMA Frame Number Suffixes

You’ll notice a letter suffix after the NEMA frame number and it, too, has been standardized by NEMA regulations. These suffixes provide key information about the motor, how it is mounted, what its purpose is, what type of shafts it has, and more. Here is a summary of what the suffixes mean:

C: type C face mounting on DE
D: type D flange mounting on DE
H: designated 56H motors have two sets of 2F mounting holes, 3 in. and 5 in.
J: NEMA C face mount, threaded shaft pump motor
JM: face-mounted, close-coupled pump motors with specific dimensions and bearings
JP: type C face-mounted, close-coupled pump motors with specific dimensions and bearings
K: has a hub for sump pump mounting
LP or LPH: type P flange-mounted, vertical solid-shaft motors
M or N: flange mount for oil burner motors (6 3/4” flange for M, 7 1/4” flange for N)
P or PH: type P flange-mounted vertical hollow-shaft motors
R: drive end tapered shaft connection
S: Standard short shaft for direct connection
T: standard dimensions for this frame designation have been established
V: vertical mounting only
VP: type P-flange mounted, vertical solid shaft motor
X: wound-rotor crange motor with a double shaft extension
Y: special mounting dimensions, contact manufacturer for details
Z: all mounting dimensions are standard except the shaft dimensions OR used to designate double shaft extensions, but in either case contact the manufacturer for details

Technical Data: WhatsApp

Type Rated Power At Full Load EFF η(%) Locked Current (A) under 460V Locked Torque Rated Torque(%) Maximum Torque Rated Torque(%)
Speed(r/min) Current(A)under 460V Connection Method 230/460V Current(A)under 575V Connection Method 575V Power Factor(cosφ)
FL 100% FL 75%
Synchronous Speed  3600r/min   60Hz
143JM/JP 1.0HP 0.75KW 3480 1.56 2Y/Y 1.25 Y 0.78 77 78 15 180 260
143JM/JP 1.5HP 1.1KW 3490 2.09 2Y/Y 1.67 Y 0.80 82.5 82.0 20 230 320
145JM/JP 2.0HP 1.5KW 3495 2.74 2Y/Y 2.19 Y 0.80 84 83.5 25 230 320
182JM/JP 3HP 2.2KW 3490 3.82 2Y/Y 3.06 Y 0.85 86.5 87.0 32 200 340
184JM/JP 5HP 3.7KW 3490 6.01 2Y/Y 4.81 Y 0.88 88.5 89.8 46 210 340
213JM/JP 7.5HP 5.5KW 3505 9.45 2△/△ 7.56 Y 0.83 89.5 89.7 63.5 150 280
215JM/JP 10HP 7.5KW 3500 12.2 2△/△ 9.77 Y 0.85 90.2 90.7 81 140 250
254JM/JP 15HP 11KW 3540 17.5 2△/△ 14.0 Y 0.88 91.0 91.5 116 160 230
256JM/JP 20HP 15KW 3540 23.1 2△/△ 18.5 Y 0.89 91.0 91.5 145 160 230
284JM/JP 25HP 18.5KW 3550 29.3 2△/△ 23.5 0.87 91.7 92.1 182.5 150 230
286JM/JP 30HP 22KW 3550 34.8 2△/△ 27.8 0.88 91.7 92.4 217.5 150 230
324JM/JP 40HP 30KW 3545 46.1 2△/△ 36.8 0.88 92.4 92.8 290 180 260
326JM/JP 50HP 37KW 3545 56.6 2△/△ 45.3 0.89 93.0 93.4 362.5 180 260
364JM/JP 60HP 45KW 3560 70.6 2△/△ 56.5 0.85 93.6 93.8 435 190 220
365JM/JP 75HP 55KW 3560 88.3 2△/△ 70.6 0.85 93.6 93.6 542.5 160 200
Type Rated Power At Full Load EFF η(%) Locked Current (A) under 460V Locked Torque Rated Torque(%) Maximum Torque Rated Torque(%)
Speed(r/min) Current(A)under 460V Connection Method 230/460V Current (A) under 575V Connection Method 575V Power Factor (cosφ)
FL 100% FL 75%
  Synchronous Speed  1800r/min   60Hz
143JM/JP 1.0HP 0.75KW 1755 1.63 2Y/Y 1.31 Y 0.67 85.5 84.5 15 300 420
143JM/JP 1.5HP 1.1KW 1755 2.22 2Y/Y 1.78 Y 0.73 86.5 86.2 20 280 390
145JM/JP 2HP 1.5KW 1755 2.97 2Y/Y 2.37 Y 0.73 86.5 86.4 25 270 350
182JM/JP 3HP 2.2KW 1755 4.08 2Y/Y 3.26 Y 0.77 89.5 89.7 32 220 320
184JM/JP 5HP 3.7KW 1755 6.30 2Y/Y 5.04 Y 0.83 89.5 90.0 46 200 280
213JM/JP 7.5HP 5.5KW 1760 9.23 2△/△ 7.38 Y 0.83 91.7 91.8 63.5 170 280
215JM/JP 10HP 7.5KW 1760 12.2 2△/△ 9.72 Y 0.84 91.7 91.9 81 170 280
254JM/JP 15HP 11KW 1765 18.1 2△/△ 14.5 Y 0.84 92.4 92.7 116 170 250
256JM/JP 20HP 15KW 1765 23.7 2△/△ 19.0 Y 0.85 93.0 93.2 145 180 250
284JM/JP 25HP 18.5KW 1770 29.4 2△/△ 23.5 0.85 93.6 93.9 182.5 160 240
286JM/JP 30HP 22KW 1770 35.3 2△/△ 28.2 0.85 93.6 93.9 217.5 160 240
324JM/JP 40HP 30KW 1775 46.8 2△/△ 37.5 0.85 94.1 94.6 290 160 250
326JM/JP 50HP 37KW 1775 57.6 2△/△ 46.1 0.86 94.5 94.9 362.5 160 260
364JM/JP 60HP 45KW 1780 71.2 2△/△ 57.0 0.83 95.0 95.3 435 190 250
365JM/JP 75HP 55KW 1780 88.7 2△/△ 71.0 0.83 95.4 95.5 542.5 190 250
Type Rated Power At Full Load EFF η(%) Locked Current(A)under 460V Locked Torque Rated Torque(%) Maximum Torque Rated Torque(%)
Speed(r/min) Current(A)under 460V Connection 230/460V Current(A)under 575V Connection 575V Power Factor(cosφ)
FL 100% FL 75%
Synchronous Speed  1200r/min   60Hz
145JM/JP 1.0HP 0.75KW 1160 1.75 2Y/Y 1.40 Y 0.65 82.5 82 15 190 265
182JM/JP 1.5HP 1.1KW 1180 2.36 2Y/Y 1.89 Y 0.68 87.5 86.8 20 210 350
184JM/JP 2HP 1.5KW 1175 2.98 2Y/Y 2.38 Y 0.71 88.5 88.3 25 200 320
213JM/JP 3HP 2.2KW 1175 4.48 2Y/Y 3.59 Y 0.7 89.5 89.5 32 155 240
215JM/JP 5HP 3.7KW 1175 7.27 2Y/Y 5.81 Y 0.72 89.5 89.6 46 155 250
254JM/JP 7.5HP 5.5KW 1175 9.41 2△/△ 7.53 Y 0.82 91.0 91.3 63.5 170 280
256JM/JP 10HP 7.5KW 1175 12.5 2△/△ 10.0 Y 0.82 91.0 91.2 81 180 280
284JM/JP 15HP 11KW 1185 19.4 2△/△ 15.5 0.79 91.7 92.0 116 145 230
286JM/JP 20HP 15KW 1185 25.5 2△/△ 20.4 0.8 91.7 92.1 145 140 220
324JM/JP 25HP 18.5KW 1185 32.7 2△/△ 26.2 0.77 93.0 93.4 182.5 160 210
326JM/JP 30HP 22KW 1185 38.7 2△/△ 31.0 0.78 93.0 93.3 217.5 170 230
364JM/JP 40HP 30KW 1185 49.1 2△/△ 39.3 0.81 94.1 94.2 290 215 230
365JM/JP 50HP 37KW 1185 60.7 2△/△ 48.5 0.82 94.1 94.3 362.5 215 230

Connection 230/460V column indicates that “△” is only for single voltage 460V.

Installation Dimension: WhatsApp

NEMA Standard JM/JP Premium Efficiency Electric Motor Installation

Frame No. Dimensions(inch)
143JM 7 5.6 15 3.5 2.75 4 0.43 0.34 1 2.875 7.6 7.8 0.768 0.188 1.42 0.874 4.37 1.65 3/4 6.7 2.87 4.25 0.625 1.181 1 1.155
143JP 18.2 5.937 7.42 7.31 1.563
145JM 6.6 16 4 5 2.875 4.37 4.25 0.625
145JP 19.2 5.937 7.42 7.31 1.563
182JM 9 6 17 4.5 3.75 4.5 0.6 0.41 2 2.875 9.5 9.7 0.768 0.188 1.42 0.874 4.27 1.65 1 8 3.37 4.25 0.625 1.378 1 1.25
182JP 20 5.937 7.34 7.31 1.563
184JM 7 18 4.5 5.5 2.875 4.27 4.25 0.625
184JP 21 5.937 7.34 7.31 1.563
213JM 10.5 7.5 20 5.25 4.25 5.5 0.71 0.41 2.4 2.875 10.6 10.4 0.77 0.188 1.73 0.874 4.5 1.732 1 8.5 4.5 4.2 0.625 1.772 1 1.25
213JP 24 5.875 1.11 0.25 1.249 8.37 2.60 8.125 2.375 1.375 1.75
215JM 9 21.5 5.5 7 2.875 0.77 0.188 0.874 4.5 1.732 4.2 0.625 1 1.25
215JP 25.5 5.875 1.11 0.25 1.249 8.37 2.60 8.125 2.375 1.375 1.75
254JM 12.5 10.3 25 6.25 5 8.25 0.79 0.53 2.4 3 12.9 12.6 1.11 0.25 2.05 1.249 5.4 2.60 1-1/2 10.5 4.5 5.25 0.625 1.772 1.375 1.75
254JP 28 5.875 8.28 8.125 2.375
256JM 12 26.5 8.25 10 3 5.4 5.25 0.625
256JP 29.5 5.875 8.28 8.125 2.375
284JM 14 12.4 27.5 7 5.5 9.5 0.87 0.53 2.8 3 14.3 14 1.11 0.25 2.05 1.249 5.5 2.60 1-1/2 11.5 5 5.25 0.625 2.165 1.375 1.75
284JP 30.5 5.875 8.4 8.125 2.375
286JM 13.9 29 9.5 11 3 5.5 5.25 0.625
286JP 32 5.875 8.4 8.125 2.375
324JM 16 13.5 30 8 6.25 10.5 0.99 0.66 2.8 3 16 15.7 1.112 0.252 2.44 1.249 5.47 2.56 2 14.5 5.5 5.25 0.625 2.36 1.375 1.75
324JP 33 5.875 8.34 8.125 2.375
326JM 15 31.5 10.5 12 3 5.47 5.25 0.625
326JP 34.5 5.875 8.34 8.125 2.375
364JM 17 15 32.2 9 7 11.25 1.18 0.66 3 3 18.8 19.1 1.112 0.252 2.44 1.249 5.38 2.6 3 16.5 6.11 5.25 0.625 2.55 1.375 1.75
364JP 35 5.875 1.413 0.375 1.624 8.26 2.53 8.125 2.37 1.75 2.124
365JM 16 33.2 11.25 12.25 3 1.112 0.252 1.249 5.38 2.6 5.25 0.625 1.375 1.75
365JP 36 5.875 1.413 0.375 1.624 8.26 2.53 8.125 2.37 1.75 2.124

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